ENG Our motto since we were born in 2015 is “little stories, great explanations”. 5W is a means of knowing what is happening in the world. A medium that travels to Africa or Asia without fear of the tyranny of the click. A medium attentive to social and cultural movements. A medium that radiographs this era of hatred, xenophobia and ...
ENG The Jalón Ángel Photograph Archive, belonging to Grupo San Valero and guarded by San Jorge University are organising the 7th Jalón Ángel Photography Awards. This award not only aims to honour the memory of Jalón Ángel as a photographer, but also as the founder of Grupo San Valero, a set of institutions for educational and vocational training at different ...
ENG Platform Center for Photography and Image is a non-profit association and free for its members. Our goal is to create a Photography and Image Center that protects our heritage, expands visual culture and encourages new contemporary creation. We want to gather the largest number of adhesions and thus have sufficient support in order to have a significant and decisive ...
ENG The Spanish Confederation of Photography is the association of all the autonomous federations of Spain, which in turn associate the photographic clubs, associations or societies. These are dedicated to the promotion, teaching and study of photography, organizing contests, exhibitions and all those activities that promote art in photography as a means of cultural communication.The Spanish Confederation itself is associated ...
ENG Practical courses in digital photography and photographic editing in Vitoria-Gasteiz ESP Cursos prácticos de fotografía digital y edición fotográfica en Vitoria-Gasteiz ...
ENG Fotoplatjadaro aims to bring photographic culture to amateurs and photography professionals through photography courses and seminars, photographic competitions and a Photographic Weekend, held annually. The activities are developed throughout the year in different environments of the municipality of Castell-Platja d’Aro. Fotoplatjadaro was created in 2014 with a first edition of the “Photographic Conference of Playa de Aro” (a long ...
ENG LaBabuch is an old farmhouse that has been restored with the help and collaboration of many people. A place surrounded by nature, inviting calmness and concentration, perfect for learning and sharing ideas in the creative fields. The core use of the space is to host gatherings with various creators, mainly focusing on photography. Also, in the near future, it ...
ENG ANEF is a non-profit association made up of teachers and trainers of photography in Spain. It is built and structured by five objectives with the mission of valuing photography studios in their different stages and typologies. Five work areas where to analyze and advance from the collective the study plans and their methodologies, the spaces they occupy and cover ...
ENG Camara Oscura is a multidisciplinary art gallery specialized in international contemporary photography. Our value proposition consists of presenting the collector with the best current artists, selected with professional, alternative and transgressive criteria, as well as promoting our artists with a vision of the future, with special emphasis on participation in international fairs. Camara Oscura is committed to interdisciplinary artists, ...
ENG Specializing in photography and visual arts, Blanca Berlin’s commitment focuses on the most innovative trends in contemporary Spanish and international photography, represented by both established artists and promising talents. Occasionally, it also welcomes other artistic disciplines. In addition to the cycle of exhibitions, the gallery, which opened its doors in Madrid in January 2007, devotes special attention to the creation of ...